
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Where is Bob?

Surprise, surprise, I pounded some words today on the blog. What might be so blog worthy you asked?

Well first let me tell you that Bob spent 4 days with us and went back to Ottawa… we were so tired after her visit that we took 2 weeks vacation hahahaha just joking Bob, you were one great guess and we BOTH enjoyed your stay with us.

On the second day of her visit, we went to visit the Tampa Aquarium… It’s a really nice aquarium with lots of fishes (in case you didn’t guess!). My wife and Bob took the Tampa Aquarium boat tour and left me in the aquarium for 2 hours. The purpose of the tour was to see dauphins in the Tampa Bay. They came back with big smiles on their faces… I wish they had invited me L

Where is Nimo?

(Note from Christiane: Richard was invited all right but would not go, probably having to do with too much wind in his hairJ.  Bob and I did see dauphins.  The dauphins were right there beside the boat.  It was amazing!  At one point there was one swimming along the boat and playing with the waves the boat generated.  I even got it on video.  Aboard the boat were two Aquarium employees taking notes about the weather, the temperature, the wind, the dauphins, the birds and all king of other statistics… yes Richard, you missed those awesome statistics!  We got splashed a bit by the water, had a good of laughs and a great afternoon.  Bob and I recommend that excursions 100 %.)

Into the wild!

On Bob’s third day, we went to Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. This is a ‘small’ zoo, however the main attraction is the river flowing through it… there are Manatees there. I never saw Manatees before but I knew about them from reading other blogs, otherwise I would not have had a clue of what they are. Manatees are the size of a cow but without legs as they live in the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico. In winter, the Gulf is too cold for them so they swim back in the warmer water of the rivers.

Look at all those perses lady!!!
What the neck!!!
Come here kitty
Bear with me!
2 Manatees actively relaxing
I had to come for air... someone fart down there!

From where we were we had a perfect view of a dozen of them. They just lied at the bottom of the river and came up once in a while for air… that’s it! They don’t do flip nor give shows, they are not an aggressive animal… they are herbivorous mammals, which is  a good thing because there were several swimmers - the two legged species – that came near them for a closer look!      

For Bob’s last day (not on earth but in Florida) the girls went shopping… I was glad that I was NOT invitedJ. Bob came back with bags of clothes; I have seen bag ladies with much smaller bags than what Bob had! The bad thing about it was that she had limited space in her suitcase. But you know girls; they can pack loads of new clothes where no man can see room for even one sock!

Now back to yesterday and the almost current blogs worthy news…  The post is starting to be long so I will be working on the next post right away. If you want to read about the news, please come back in the next few hours.


  1. All those zoo animal pictures... it must be a genetic thing!

    No picture of you guys? You have a lot less fur, we wouldn't have been too confused.

    - WWE

    1. Dear WWE,

      I don't understand your comment... Do you really think that your parents were the touth furry?

  2. Yay! Zoos and aquariums! :D
    Don't worry, pawpaw. When I come visit you, we can go on the boat tour together! I won't let you wait all alone at the aquarium!

    -Hairy Toes

    1. Thank you sweet heart, wil leave your Mom behind!
