
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Memory fast lane in military

It’s a slow day in CancerLand, so I thought of going to MemoryLane with this post…
I joined the Canadian Armed Forces in March 1977, I was 17 years old. It wasn’t for a noble reason like serving my country; it was to keep peace… inner peace that is! I was not going anywhere, I was a high school dropout and I was not happy in my family.  
My wife also joined in 1977, she was camouflaged so it took me all the way till 1978 to find her and parade her to church…
The army is a great place to learn a trade while earning a salary. I was making $500 a month, it sure was more money that I ever dreamed of (honestly) making!
Once we completed all the training, we were posted to Valcartier (Quebec). I went to an army unit and my wife to a Communication squadron.
Usually, in June, my unit would go on manoeuvre in Gagetown (New Brusnwick) –Julia you might know where that is ;)-. I heard it is a nice area however all I got to see were pine trees. I was living in a tent sleeping on a cot, I didn’t enjoy that kind of life much but what I enjoyed or not didn’t seem to be of concern for my superiors LOL.
My wife on the other hand was going on trips to do maintenance on equipments. She would write to me on hotel stationary… after a good meal in a nice restaurant… life can be sooooo unfair!  (Comment from Christiane: come on Richard it happened once!)
We left Valcartier in 1982 and were transfered to Ramstein (American Air force Base), Germany. We were working in a bunker in Kindsbach a small site a few miles away from the base.  The bunker was inside a mountain. It used to be an ammunition depot.  It was built during World War II for Hitler’s war machine.
Needless to say, we were having the time of our life… it ended in 1985 when we received our marching order to go to Carp (Ontario). My wife was stationed with the Communication Squadron, in another bunker; I was posted down the hill from her to something called NICS (CC).
After 2 kids, my wife removed her uniform for good in 1989!
Missing bratwurst and German beer, we took a plane to Lahr Germany in 1991 for another posting. We returned back home in 1994 when the Canadian military base closed.  We were among the last 35 families to leave the base!  But before you can leave, you need your transfer paper.  First I was transferred back to Carp (Ontario) but at the Communication Squadron this time. By then I must have had a bad reputation because Carp was closed and my transfer was cancelled.
I was re-assigned to NICS (CC) Foley Lake. This is in Nova Scotia. I was really happy with that, I already knew the equipment and was looking forward to live in a small town (Truro). In February 1994, my wife and I went on a hunting trip… house hunting! We found and bought a nice house.
Upon our return, we got bad news… Foley Lake was closing, our transfer was cancelled!!! However, since we already had bought a house, it was decided to send me to the communication Squadron in Debert, it was even closer to the house.  
In the previous post on my blog I made a comment to Julia about how much we love the maritime, would you believe it but this whole blog post now is about that one statement.
Germany was wonderful but the pace was, at time, as fast as the no speed limit on the autobahn… there were no slow lane, it seems that I rushed and was being rushed every where. I’m out of breath just writing about it:)…
Then we arrived in Nova Scotia (NS)! I remember the first time I went to the grocery store to buy some necessities; it was around 9:00 PM, there was almost no one in the store, I got a couple of things and went to the express register. There was only one client in front of me being served, in a few seconds I was going to be out of there fast and easy! Not so!
When you are in the maritime in a small town, people know each other and there is nowhere to rush to, so they take the time to smell the Mayflowers (official flower of NS of course!). Being clueless about this way of life… I was waiting for the customer to pay and leave. The clerk had a can in her hand and she was about to scan it, I was waiting for the beep that is not coming… I started to focus a little more about what was happening.
The teller was talking to the customer and asking: “So is your father going to Florida this year?”
I’m in the back probably rolling my eyes and thinking “scan the darn can already…” but it took a while before it was done! -I would say in our previous life “a while” was defined as forever. Meanwhile the cashier and the client kept talking like it was NORMAL to do so. Didn’t they know they were delaying ME… then I smiled, I took a deep breath and was thinking: “Richard slow down, you are in NS, no one is pushing me, and I don’t have to push either…” When in Rome do as the Roman does, right?  
We were not even a month in when rumours started spreading like wild fire… Debert was closing the very next year… 6 months later (January 1995) the military was offering the possibility for early retirement.  I realized that I was a dinosaur; my military trade was being phased out.

We stayed only one year in the Maritime, but, it does change a person forever. We were always close to the sea; we had a life rhythm that was slow and meaningful. The landscapes were breathtaking. The people were the best! Just to show you, when we moved to our house, all the neighbours came by to greet us and introduce themselves … we have never seen this before and haven’t seen it since either!


  1. Too funny I'm writing comment on my own post...

    Just want to mentioned, every where my wife and I served while serving in the military closed, except my first unit!

    1. Hi Richard, I love reading about your military career. Gagetown is just a skip and a hop from Fredericton where I live. That base is still open. I see you have visitors from Gatineau on your live feed. My Daughter who lives in Ottawa works in Gatineau Hull and I also have a brother RCMP who lives there.

      I'm late for work.
      Have a great day .

      Hugs to both of you,

    2. Allo Julia,
      I hope your working day went well!
      Hey I might know your brother... I got a ticket on the Ottawa parkway ha ha ha (Now I laugh, I wasn't laughing at the time :) )

      I knew Gagetown was still open... we have to defend ourself againts Newfoudland! Oh wait they are also Canadian, right? (For the un-Canadien reading this, I'm just kidding, some of my friends are newfies-lander)

  2. Hi Richard, I am a new follower. This was a great post, and I'm looking forward to reading more on your blog. I felt the same way (about slowing down) when we moved here (Kingston, ON) from Montreal almost five years ago. Kingston is a smaller city, and people are not in a big hurry. They enjoy chatting a little. I've been here long enough to have (almost) shed the big city stressful pace, and I hate to tell you that I'm actually enjoying it (most of the time :) Still got a lot of big city girl in me!

    1. Welcome Martha,

      I have been secretly following your blog, great sense of humor, great pics, what else could a man ask for :)

      My wife and I has spend a lot of time training at the base in Kingston... in the eighties, we enjoyed particularly the University atmosphere that bring so much live. Like you mentioned on your blog, Kingston is a well kept secret for sure!

      Talking about my wife, last week I was showing her some of your outstanding pictures, she is the artist in the couple and she was commenting about the one showing old lock on door and doors that are weatherize... I think that in a future soon, she will be going back to painting it seems to inspire her. Thanks Martha!

  3. well .. hail hail the gang's all here ... ;) nice to see Julia and Martha ... Morning! yes, very interesting, Richard ... Nice reading you three Canadians relate ... makes me smile ... sure does

    slow day in cancer land! jeeez

    Don't suppose you'd consider taking off word verification? ... this is my third attempt to post! hiss

    1. How many Canadians does it take to be a gang? Apparently 3! ha ha ha

      I didn't even know I had word verification... It took me a while to find it but I changed it, I sure hope it fix the problem, I hate it when I loose a comment... It usually happen to me when it's a long one at that!

      Now if I could find how to have the comment showing in a more appealing font... I would be an happy bloggist!
