
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday news

Yesterday, around 11:00, we drove our daughter to the airport. She is going to Valencia (Spain) to the International Conference Digital Society where she will be presenting her research about 3D printers.

She had 3 planes to take; Ottawa – Montréal, Montréal – Zurich (Switzerland), ZurichValencia.

We got at the airport around 11:45, it was raining with a mixture of icing rain. From home, she had checked and all flights were on schedule. We dropped her off at the airport and drove to our trailer in Val-des-Bois. Her first flight was scheduled to depart Ottawa at 13:50.

We haven't been to the trailer for almost 3 weeks. We don’t keep heat in the trailer, so the first thing we did was to start the central heat, and a space heater. The temperature inside was around 0° C (32° F).

Following that, we shovelled 3 previous weeks of snow. It was not too bad, it took less than half an hour for my wife and I to clear enough to park the car and open a path to the door of the trailer.

I got the basket of food out for our deer (Two came in the evening around nine to enjoy the free meal. I’ll try to get a small movie of them and post it probably Monday)

It was around 14:00 when we finally entered the trailer. The first thing I did was to connect the laptop and check the email. Our daughter had left 3 messages; the first one was about 45 minutes before her flight, she was enjoying the lunch my wife prepared. The second email was 30 minutes before the flight; she confirmed that everything was on schedule. Not even 5 minutes after, she wrote one sentence: her flight has been cancelled.

OMG knowing my daughter, she must have been in a panic mode at the airport, the first leg of her trip was cancelled! We haven’t gotten direct news from her since, she wrote a brief note to her sister from someone else's cell, to say that everything was OK.

By the time I post this, she is likely in her hotel in Valencia, getting some ZZzz!

If my daughter is smiling… Hola Julie!


Email we received from  Julie:

My trip involved:
- 6 planes (including the cancelled and missed connection).
- 2 trips through security in Ottawa.
- 2 times where I was grateful my bag is so easy to recognize.
- 1 The Amazing Race style run through an airport, barely keeping up with a much older couple.
- 1 British girl living in Valencia who speaks Spanish and somehow managed to get all the same flights as me.
- 1 temporarily misplaced checked bag, which I will hopefully get delivered to the hotel tomorrow morning. British girl was VERY useful.
- 2 look at beautiful buildings in Madrid.
- 1 delicious croissant.
- 1 hilarious metro mix-up
- An arrival time of 16h00ish Valencia

I'm going to buy myself a plug for my netbook, and I'm gonna go eat supper, and I'm going to wash my clothes in the shower and hang them to dry, and shower, and hang out in my hotel room for the rest of the night!


  1. What a fabulous opportunity for her -- to travel like that! Delays, problem-solving, discomfort, expectations and fulfillment: all a lovely metaphor for life!!


    1. Thanks Pearl, she was really excited about this opportunity... It's the parents that are biting their nails off... ha ha ha

  2. I don't get a shout-out too? :(

    - Caro

    P.S. You can melt the ice you shovelled and drink it to reach your 8 cups of water a day! :)

    1. Thanks Cruella for this "outstanding" suggestion. This will get me some exercise plus low calorie drinks. Unless I picked the snow that has "chocolat almond" in them... see picture tomorrow!

      What do you mean by shout-out... so confusing kids these days :)

  3. What an experience! for your daughter. toooooo cold, Richard... good grief! as an southern person... it is freezing before it hits freezing at 32° at 40°! zero degrees is just no acceptable.

    If you come really south when you begin your travels... you will die from the heat! Do not come to the southern United States after June... from June through September... hot and humid

    My son will be 27 in February... a constant source of confusion... sigh

    1. My daughter start this job last may, she went to Vancouver British Columbia, now Spain, and she might also go to some other places in New-Brunswick... Before her, I thought librarian were putting books on shelfs... apparently not!
      Your son is 27 my daughter is 26 -blink- -blink- we should do something about that :)))

  4. hmmm well? I guess I could proofread... but then what fun is that! lol... A southern and just noT ....

    1. My wife proof read my blog... She might wants to not be a shame of me ha ha ha

  5. WOW... what an adventure you guys are having! hope you get some good rest!

    I found the blog I was referring to ... finally! They live in Ottawa! Smith Falls...


    That post kinda starts it all ... I enjoyed them and haven't read their blog in ages! I had to go back and look at some of my current blogs to see if perhaps someone was still following them and I finally found one! and yep... there they were... then on a quest to try and remember when all the stuff began happening to them...

    So... after reading the above post... her blog was great fun about their travels down to the Texas coast! ;)

  6. I... got featured on your blog! OMG! I'm a guest blogger! Don't worry everyone, my conference is awesome, my bag got to the hotel the next day, and I'm having a great time.

    - WWE

    1. This post was one of the most popular... I'm thinking about writing only on you WWE ha ha ha
