Could someone, anyone, STOP the advance of technology! Please I beg you, enough with all the gadgets… I have been in neutral for a long time, probably some defence mechanism against changes. I am no GEEK, I had a solid technical background, could fix radio, teletypes, telephone, telephone switch system, and toasters. It was easy then, just get my multi-meter out, and bang the broken piece with it… Tada! Like new.
I remember in the early eighties, my wife was sometimes ‘on call’ and she was carrying a pager (remember those). When we were going out, as a joke (of course), I would volunteer to carry it on my belt. At the time, having a pager the size of a small fridge… you looked important! When you got to the restaurant, you made sure it was visible and that got you the best table, and, in case of an emergency, close to the exit. Too bad it didn’t stop there!
I remember in the mid eighties, watching a documentary, where they were telling us that soon we would all carry a card to pay for any expenses. This fantastic card would take your money directly from your bank account! I thought it was a joke, who in their right mind would want one of those. Apparently a lot of us insane one did!
In those years, I was running to try to stay abreast with technology… a good thing I was in shape! We were buying computers, which after a couple of moons were obsolete, and then you just got a bigger better one. I had really good dreams… Pentium 2, Pentium 3, 40 meg hard drive, 340 meg, 1 giga… holy crap… The one who came up with “size doesn’t matter” had never had seen a computer. He/she probably wrote that statement on a piece of napkins (if someone find that napkins… on ebay $$$$$$$$).
We got our first TV recorder then. There was that fight between VHS/BETA, we went with a BETA… For the price we paid for it, I could be retired and living in a castle (probably hire all the staffs to run the place too). It lasted MAYBE half a year, everything shifted toward VHS grrr. You could record 2 shows at the same time; all that was required was to buy 2 of those “wallet emptier” boxes. Learn to program them, check that the tape has enough room to record, and pray that when you want to watch, it was there.
Let’s not forget about cameras. Back then, we bought a CANON 35mm, you could aim, press, send the roll to a place to develop them, and after a month, enjoy seeing your out of focus pictures. Easy enough! If we could just have stopped there... we bought a VHS Camera, you could carry it anywhere –that is if you were into weight lifting! I don’t know how many times it would have been nice to have the camera with us.
The one thing I hate the most: telephone. If it were only me, the telephone would be in the trash can to never be seen again. Can you tell I’m not a fan? I might just be difficult to please. There are plenty of telemarketers out there that only want to talk to me. They supposedly have exactly what I want and they don’t mind if I have just sat down to enjoy a meal, after all, it is worth their time!
Of course when talking about telephone, I am including cellular. I had one, got rid of it! It was a simple one, you have buttons to dial a number and buttons to answer and some others that the functionality escapes me but that I always pushed when trying to answer a call. Now, you have all these features that come with it, camera, texting, Internet access, MP3 player, and sometimes, you can even use it to call or receive a call…
Now the kids out there (I am not age discriminating… you might all be kids), you might need an intervention if you do any of the following:
Can’t spend 5 minutes in a restaurant talking with a ‘in front of you’ person without checking if you got email, text, etc.
You go to the store, you won’t say hello to the cashier because you are having an important conversation with your spouse about the migration of the butterfly. And, when the cashier says “$24.57 please” you look at her like “Don’t you see, I am on the phone!” and then look at the next customer in line, waiting for them to acknowledge their valid point!
At work, your cell rings more often than your office phone.
You bring the offending piece of crap everywhere… washroom, movie theatre, church (there I wouldn’t mind), your coffin…
Sometimes, I dream of a simpler life, moving out in the boonies, nothing around… well maybe electricity, and not to get bored, a TV – No cable (Satellite will do) , if we have satellite, might as well have Internet, a little laptop, possibly a Magic-jack, a Personal Video Recorder for those winter nights… Wouldn’t that be something!
If you are smiling… beep beep beep
I learn so many things reading this blog! I never knew my beloved mother carried around an important looking pager!
ReplyDeleteI bring my cellphone pretty much everywhere, but it's never open, does that count?
- WW not so E
Oh yes I see you did write about the high tech stuff… HAHAaaaa
ReplyDeleteWell … since I travel a lot and also had a small business, I had my first cell phone … hmmm 1998? seems about right. All it did was make phone calls and I felt safe even though coverage was very limited at that time.
I've always liked computers. I began working on a freaking manual typewriter! then to the advancement of electric typewriters to dedicated word processors to PCs… that's how I met my husband. He was a computer programmer and I was the salesperson.
They fascinate me. Now I have an iPhone -- four years now. We were ready for an update - my son is in our family plan - his phone was worse off than ours --- he's rough on such! told him to go get an update - he went to the AT&T store… I was charged with $200. I said --- WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?
He said… well? Mom… this phone is unbelievable… he proceeded to tell me what all it did do and I said… you need a phone that makes phone calls and so I can keep an eyeball peeled on you!
I drove to where he was going to college… said you're taking that back… we go to the store… I left with an iPhone too.
Now it's time for an upgrade to the 4G. When I'm traveling? I can play games, I can get online and send emails - update my blog - find where the cheapest gas prices are … click on current location and ask it where a burger joint is … also ask it where I am! I'm always getting lost. I can make it tell me where I parked my car after wandering off … HAHaaaa…. I can listen to music -- my own -- YouTube or internet radio.
I do all my banking with just a touch … I get immediate pictures of my g'baby. I can take pictures and videos and send them immediately to anyone. I have a calendar, a timer, a watch, a notepad…. the weather channel as well as a favorites weather app… I can watch movies and TV programs in my car camped out in somewhere. Well, not direct live on this version but I can watch various shows after they've aired.
I can program my DVR to record a favorite show from my iPhone from wherever I am… such as the State of the Union address or anything I'm not going to be able to home to catch… Dancing with the Stars! love that show … lol
I also have an app that enables me to hold my phone up to the source and it will listen and tell me what's playing as well as the lyrics! I also have an iBooks app where I can download books to read and yoga apps with chakra alignments and games for my g'baby to play and and and crosswords and suduko and a dictionary and Safari as my browser to check whatever on the internet.
I can get these services anywhere you can pick up a signal which is most places. AT&T has a very wide range… It's an unlimited data plan --- well for the three of us it's $189/month with unlimited everything.
Really important for Joe as a truck driver… He also has an air card with Sprint for bull bore computer service. He couldn't live without a computer in his truck.
Soooo! I love the damn thing … so from computers that used to take up a full block ---to this little thing I hold in my hand is just breathtaking…
I do not and will not tolerate people who invade my space talking on the damn things loudly and for too long of a time … and I will tell them … I was a hero in one instance… no one dared tell this one woman to go to another room to talk on the phone … rude rude rude
And the infernal constant texting! and the dumbass drivers … but there are rude dumbass people regardless!
Technology has just given them another tool… but I ain't going to let 'em ruin it for me…
Hola dear WW on another continent,
ReplyDeleteYes you will learn all the family secret if you keep reading. There is soooooo much you will learn about our first born child :)
Your cell phone is so obsolete... but at least you have one.
Wow Carolyn, there is a geek hiding in you haha
ReplyDeleteIf you ever don't know what to post about, just copy and paste your comment, there is informations that are really usefull to the likes of me.
When we will be living a mobil life, I will need to sell my soul and get something to stay connect. I am not too sure yet what we will do, so far, I don't think that there is anything out there that will allow us to have all the need services between Canada and the US.
I will answer one of your answer to a comment I did with a post of our intend itinaries. I probably do that today, to post tomorrow.
There are knowledgeable people in this RVing lifestyle... there was a couple ... hmmm jeez! -- I'll try and find them. I used to follow their blog because they came from Canada to Texas each year ... they were what we call Winter Texans...
ReplyDeleteThey had to quit traveling here because of some sort of silly something or other that the US denied renewal of her passport! can't remember... so they reluctantly bought property -- just gorgeous..
By george... I'll see if I can't remember .... seems their names were Denny and... and ... rats --- on a quest! They would be great help for you... They had all the communication and such...