
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Several days last week, I didn’t post anything. This week, you get two posts the same day.

I’m just back from a grocery trip; I went to Costco and then to one of the grocery chain (Loblaws). I was really lucky; there was only one couple ahead of me at the cash register. They were finishing packing and paying.

The cahier started to scan my stuff, when suddenly, I see the couple walk back in. They were looking at their receipt and I’m thinking: “Oh no, don’t tell me they paid 79 cent for a can of soup and they should have pay 69 cent”  So pessimist of me!

They told the cashier that she forgot to add their beer case. Wow, honest people! I got a good lesson right then, I’m telling you. After the girl at the cash finish with me, she immediately serve the lady, I couldn’t help myself to stop by the gentlemen and tell him that I was so impress to have seen that.

It reminds me that the value of a person is not determined by the time they are in the spot light, it’s by the glow they have even in darkness.

This must be a warm day (not temperature wise)… I saw 3 boys playing outside. They must have been 6-7 years old, but they were playing in a snow bank around. I haven’t see kids playing outside for a long time. It remind me of my childhood, you just were not staying home… fun was waiting outside!

Have a great Sunday you all.

Smiling with a warm heart!


  1. ah.... very nice to know there are still people who are honest... I would've said something too...

    Hope you have a lovely Sunday also... ;)

  2. I don't understand your post: what is this "outside" you speak of?

    - Caro

  3. Outside... I'd have to open my curtains to see it, I try to avoid doing that as much as possible. At least in the winter.

    - WWE
