
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

$$ Valentine $$

I always wonder how far off I’m from the sos-iety path. For me, Valentine’s day is an absolute ordinary day. I always felt like there was some imaginative merchant out there that make this “holiday” about their profit, nothing to do with love!

Talk about peer pressure:
-     “Hey Richard what do you do for Valentine?”
-          “NOTHING!”
-          “I gave my wife a large chocolate heart and send her flowers”
-          “Good for her!”
-          “We are also going to the restaurant! I’m sure I will be lucky tonight!”
-          “Yes, you are a lucky man!”

To express your love, you don’t need a holiday; it should be live in each day, it should be freely given after all you can’t buy me love!

If you need this holiday, I think you might ask about buying couple therapy instead of the flowers or chocolate shape in heart. Why on earth would people line up at restaurant tonight? We don’t need any special day… We could go to the restaurant any day without “having to” for this special occasion.

I thought it was just me, this morning I answer a small survey on “The Weather Network”. 37% respondent seems to think like I do! And, I thought I was special!
Enough is enough of those make believe you can buy your way to express your sentiment.

This morning, I found a site that really expresses what I think about “consumerism”.
But in a more articulate way that I could ever tell, I invite you to look at it: love-life-not-stuff

If you are smiling... It must be your lucky night!


  1. I think the best way to tell people you love them is to buy them chocolate EVERY day!

    - Wicked Witch of the West Who May or May Not Love Chocolate

    1. OMG, I just checked out your link... Zen Habits is on my list of frequently read websites. I've even been thinking of forwarding the link to my beloved sister.

      Little did I know that YOU have ALSO read some of that stuff!

      - WWE

    2. If there is ONE thing about WWE is that I would NEVER EVER ask her to choose between her father or chocolate...

    3. I just found about Zen Habits. In the next few weeks, I'm planning to read the whole thing but I will read slowly otherwise it wouldn't be Zen.

  2. Poor St. Valentine, who had his head cut off over marrying people. He's thinking "Why are they giving away chocolate hearts? It should be chocolate heads!"

    - Caro
