
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 6

This is the sixth week of my goal of loosing 60 pounds.

For the first 20 weeks, my goal is to loose 1.5 pound per week.

Total weight lost: 10.8 pounds
Week 1 to Week 5: 10.8 pounds
Week 6: 0 pound

Oh boy do I need to talk to myself right now…

Me: “Richard what happen, you haven’t lost anything this week?”

Myself: “I don’t know… I might sleep walk and get some cakes during the past week!”

Me: “Don’t try that one on me, there is NO cake is your house.”

Myself: “I might have walked to someone else house…”

Me: “Just tell me that you cheat and I’ll forgive you!”

Myself: “I didn’t! At least, I didn’t gain, doesn’t that count for some points?”

Me: “Ye ye and if you double this week performance… next week you will still be at the same weight!”

Before calling the calories police, I’ll wait for next week reading.

Sunday, I checked my weight and I had lost 2.2 pounds… however I record the weight on Mondays. I shouldn’t check in the week – I know that! I was happy to see the result Sunday and so disappointed this morning. But, I didn’t just start shovelling food in my face all day on Sunday… I respect the plan and would not be surprise that next week everything is back to normal.

Meanwhile this week, I’ll take some extra steps:
  • Cut my hair (this should get me to loose a pound)
  • When brushing my teeth, not swallow any water
  • Remove my socks the next time I weight myself
  • Concentrate all week on light stuff
  • Breathe in some helium gas before stepping on the balance


  1. Ou peut-etre que tu en as trop lourd sur la conscience??????

    1. MOI!!! ben non Madame Vikink, je suis un homme... la conscience c'est une affaire de femme :))
