
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wanted dead or alive – Spring

“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” – Henry Van Dyke

Just a quick personal message: "Bonne fête André!"

Hopefully last of winter pics

Day 1 of spring

This first day of spring was greeted by 3 more inches of the white, fluffy, cold, has-to-be-shovelled, flurry, crappy snow!

As I’m typing this post, more of that winter-matter is coming down, it makes great pictures but now I have no more space left in my camera to store those winter-perfect shots!

Fresh from this morning!
Pretty soon, it will be the Tulip Festival in Ottawa. They might have to move the festival indoor, but first, they will need to dig to get the bulbs out of the permafrost!

Seriously, where is Mother Nature when we need her? What did we do, lately she is so cold with us!

Even the eavestrough seems to try to get rid of the ice
 End of rant… it was not really my rant, I just wanted to sound normal for once because personally I love winter hahaha 


  1. Richard, please stop sending us more snow. I've really had it up to my horse with snow. This morning as I gingerly walk baby steps to the barn, I took a flip nd fell on my back and hit my head on the ice. OUCH. Luckily I didn't break any bones but my head hurts.

    NO MORE OF YOUR CRAPPY SNOW PLEASE. PLEASE...PLEASE... you are way too generous.
    Hugs to both of you.

    1. Bonjour Julia, if I read your comment right... you think I have something to do with the falling snow? I can assure you, I'm no mother nature hahahaha

      I do have Indian blood, maybe I have been doing some snow dancing, but I will never confirm nor denied :~~

      I'm happy you didn't break any bone, a friend of mine fell few weeks ago and he had his car key in his hand... they brake his skin and he need stitches, I can't help it... I was laughing at him!

      Hugs back at you and your horse

  2. Hehehe...molasses.

    - Hairy Toes

  3. HAHaaaaa ... never heard the mole joke ... I don't get it. This a Canadian thang? and Well? it is Spring here in Arkansas ... just gorgeous! sunshiny and 70 degrees... about time! ;)

    I can't believe you and Julia with all the snow ... plus her falling ... hiss onnit

    Great memes!

    1. Good morning Carolyn,

      The mole joke was "borrow" from a US site, not a Canadian thang! hahaha

      I would rather you lie or don't tell us about the gorgeous sunshiny day in Little Rock... I might have to drop you from my best blogging friends forever hahaha

      I have my own doubt about the snow... maybe it's a Canadian mass hallucinations! :)


    2. Pawpaw, please tell your friends that in March and even April, it is polite to pretend that the weather is terrible wherever you live so as to not overly upset those of us that have only been seeing grey and white and white and white and white and white and white for the last 6 months!

      - WWE

    3. lol... sorry WWE ... but Richard is oooooo easy to tease...

      SIX MONTHS??? oh, no no no no no

    4. And I still don't get that joke... am I over thinking? I mean ... honey? maple syrup? molasses? ha? a family of moles is funny ... don't get it..

    5. Oh Carolyn, sorry I didn't understand that you didn't get the joke... It's because the baby mole is in the hole, both parents are up and blocking the entrance, the baby can only smell its parents mole-asses :)

    6. Dear WWE I am not pretending anything... just check the weather channel, it's showing more white coming down TODAY!

    7. Hahaaa I knew I'd feel schtupid after you explained .. mole asses ... terrible just awful...

      ANd jeeeeeezus ... you guys are really having the winter! as I just said on Facebook... I'd tell you what I see out my window but I'm beginning to feel sorry for you all ... I'd be bat shit crazy ier with all that unrelenting white stuff

    8. And now we're waiting for what is basically a hurricane, but in winter. The technical term is "meteorologic bomb". Seriously. Whyyyyyy?

      People, now do you understand the consequences of talking about sunshine to Canadians in March? TERRIBLE THINGS happen.

      - WWE

  4. Hahahaha...these were fun. That 'spring is just around the corner' one is really corny, but very funny! And that mole joke is even cornier...and funnier!

    Ah, the Tulip Festival in Ottawa! That is something I want to go see. We were considering going last year, but it didn't happen. Maybe this year. If spring ever arrives! We'll see...

    1. Bonjour Martha, I’m glad you enjoy the corny humour! I also had one of a spring in the air… but since it was not the case, I dropped that spring hahaha

      We have been living in the area for about 20 years… we never went to the tulip festival! We drove by one of the tulip garden daily but never stop. If you come up here, let us know if you would be interest to have a coffee or something, if the timing is right, it will be fun to meet!

    2. Yes, I will definitely do that! Our plan is to visit Ottawa this year on a day trip, be it the tulip festival or another time. I hope we finally take the trip. And if we do, I will let you know. I would love to meet you both for coffee.
