
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Going once...

Today I sold 3 small camping mattresses that were in a closet for the past 2 years. This in itself seems mundane but why I’m excited about is that it is one of the steps toward downsizing the house.

At work, we have an electronic bulletin board where you can post pictures about things that are looking for a new home. My post was so popular that I end up telling 2 persons (and rejecting a bunch of others) that if the first person change her mind, they would have the first right to the mattresses. I might look for a second career in sell!

This brought a whooping $40 in my very-thin-wallet. I think that any money from any of those windfalls should go toward a fun fund for our first year on the road.

When I told my wife about my sell, she was so excited that she starts looking for more stuff I could peddle. If I was my daughter, I would lock my bedroom door, and to be safe, get a deadbolt for her door.

As you might recall, this weekend for my birthday, we cleaned some closets. That was another step toward downsizing. The less junk we have now, the less we will need to deal with next year.

The weekend is around the corner but I don’t think that we will go to the trailer. We will use more time to sort and dispose more useless possessions. I’m sure my wife will find some goods to sell, after all she will probably agree with a fun fund… she does like to have fun!

On an unrelated topic; this week, I started reading a new (to me) blog, it is by far the best blog I ever read. It is about this man that sold all his possessions and start living in a class B motorhome (he calls that VanDwelling). He is really articulate and has a great sense of humour. I’m reading it from the beginning. When he started writing his blog, he was living and working in LA. He sold everything and moved into his VanDwelling. Stilled working in LA, he was doing an urban type of camping. Just outstanding! Here is the link to his  tosimplify and he is in the list of the blogs I follow on the right side.

I am smiling... $40 richer!

1 comment:

  1. Sell everything! Sell it all! Except do NOT sell the grandfather clock!

    - WWE
