
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home sweet home

Yesterday was a nice and sunny day. We weren’t going to our trailer so we did some light work in the house. Last spring, we did some kitchen renovating and there was 2 doors to a closet that need to be re-install.

Following this 6 screws, 1 bracket installation, I needed a shower. So go to the shower but on my way… there is a closet that is overflow with stuff and I’m thinking that I should have a look at it. What did I find? My winter coat! So far, I have been going out with a leather coat which is not the best for winter but I don’t spend enough time out to worry about freezing. I had forgotten about buying this coat last winter. Now if the winter can last couple more months… I would wear my ‘was lost to me’ coat. Upon a search of the pockets I found my leather pouch of changes. There might be 6 or 7 dollar in that! Where could I invest this rainfall?

 After lunch, I went to Costco. I was not the only one that got that idea… I had to fight my way to get a parking space. There were only few carts left, by then I knew it was not my best idea of the day. Luckily, I knew where everything was on my ‘hit’ list. If you move fast enough, people seems to sense that they better get out of your way. But the one at Costco had no sense at all!

After my trip in the crowded aisles, went to the cashier… but of course everyone decided to go at the same time. End up going in a line to the cashier. In front of me there is a gentleman, I assumed he was retired. He kept looking in my cart. I had 2 cases of water and he said: “Not bad $2.68 for a case of water!”  How rude! This didn’t happen to me for a while, someone in a line start talking to ME. What did he thing, I was there and had nothing to do?  Well he was right so I told him: “Just too bad the price of beer is not the same?” I am not a beer drinker; I’ll drink few during a year but not my beverage of choice. I just said that to him with a smile and then magic happen! Start talking with him and didn’t notice but in no time at all, I was at the cashier.

In the evening, my daughter arrives from her trip to Spain. She had all kind of trouble on her way over there. Plane cancelled, planes late, luggage lost… On her way back all in schedule, luggage arrive at the same time. This should be a lesson for you kids, it is always more difficult to leave home than coming back ha ha.

I am so amaze by what we find on the Internet. Her plane trajectory between Zurich and Montréal was available in real time. We could see where the plane was, at which altitude, the GPS coordinate, who were the controllers responsible for the route. Unbelievable source of information! We had the map showing on the computer and once in a while we were refreshing the map. We saw when the plane was over Maine, started it’s descent toward Montréal. There was always the time to arrive available. Just amazing!

If you are smiling… you must be home!


  1. Hier, on est passe de 81F a 55F en 1 heure!!!!C,est ca le Texas. Mais c'est un peu de ma faute...la veille j'ai achete un manteau d'hiver que j'avais spote avant Noel a $200.00 et que j'ai eu pour $40.00. Mais je ne voulais pas l'etrenner avant avril au Quebec! Je pense que j'ai fait venir le front froid. ...je devrais aller magasiner pour un maillot de bain.
    Super Bowl. On a achete les wings et ma salade de chou est prete. Amenez en des annonces!!!

    1. Est-ce que l'eau gèle à 55F? Ha ha difficile d'avoir de la sympathie de quelqu'un qui ne peut même pas flusher sa toilette à la roulotte :))

      L'année passé, il faisait 25°C au lac au début du mois d'avril... on portait même pas une tite-laine.

      Tiens je ne m'imaginais pas que tu étais maintenant amateur de sport!

    2. je regarde la game en attendant les annonces!!!
      Dans mon commentaire, je devais faire le lien avec le jour de la marmotte et nos 2 manteaux d'hiver qui predisent un printemps tardif, mais, j'ai perdu l'idee en cours de route. Ca doit etre l'age ou l'engourdissement du au froid.
      Hugo etait en vol en meme temps que Julie hier. Heureusement que tout s'est bien passe!!!

    3. Peut-être que Hugo m'a porté chance? Vous m'avertirez à chaque fois qu'il voyage, pour que je voyage en même temps que lui.

      - WWE
