
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Goodbye 51!!!

Today is the first day… of the weekend! It is also my last day! After today, I will never be able to brag that I’m 51 years old. I will be living with a younger wife by a year difference… she might probably not agree with this statement but you and I know better.

We are not going to the trailer this weekend –sigh, it is too cold, but I look at the weather forecast for next week, temperature above 0° C. (32° F.) for most of the week. Maybe those critters predicting a late spring are not that accurate.

It seems to me that we didn’t enjoy a good fire for a long time; all we need now would be for the white cold stuff to have a melt down. Just few more weeks and it will be March, and I’m expecting to see the fire pit showing up.  

Today we are celebrating my birthday; we are doing that a day in advance so that it doesn’t mess up the reading of the weight scale on Monday morning. This is not cheating on the plan to loose weight, this is within the plan, and we allow our self a “break” for certain days in the year.

We will have St-Hubert BBQ (chicken and fries) and even cake tonight mium mium. There will be NO candles on the cake… it could be a fire hazard ha ha. The cake, we bought, is half of a cake, $22 dollars for half a cake… I think organize crime has their hands in that dough!

Since today is MY day, I decide what we do… and I’m thinking about doing some cleaning up!!! Ha ha some people think that I don’t know how to have fun. I want to do the 2 closets in our bedroom and the one in the foyer. This will be like loosing a lot of weight… so much stuff in those, there will be several trips to goodwill involve!

If you are smiling… today is your day too!


  1. Alors, bonne fete, meme si je te trouve cruel(on voit d'ou Cruela tiend ca)! Parler de St-Hubert sur ton blog quand tu sait que ce n'est pas a la portee de tous ceux qui lisent ton blog...Et non, il ne se passeras rien de grave cette nuit. Tu seras toujours le meme Richard, demain matin.......Bonne fete!

    1. Merci,

      Désolé d'avoir parlé de St-hubert... mais depuis que vous êtes parti, ce n'est plus aussi bon -ya right! pis au pire, il font la livraison :)

      Pis je sais bien que demain je vais être le même... c'est dommage, quand tu es déjà parfait, tu ne peux plus t'amélioré ha ha ha ha

  2. Happy Birthday! ;)

    Cleaning closets is your idea of a special day... wow

    Yes... that made me smile

    1. Thanks Carolyn,

      That cleaning idea... my daugther is going in her own closet now! This must be contagious, you better watch out before you catch that from me :))

  3. Bonne fête pawpaw! *HUG*

    - WWE
