
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pick me, pick me!

The Canadian government is trying to limit its spending so that the national debt doesn’t start running aimlessly because of more deficits.

Another way of dealing with deficits would be to increase tax… however, we are already so overtaxes that I guess the current government feel guilty of going and asking people with empty pockets to empty also the little money they have aside in their socks. Who would have guess that the Conservative could have a conscience!

Limit spending when you are ruling a country… almost invariably mean that you will be cutting programs, and have a leaner employees pool to pay.

Soon there will be a new budget; the sentiment in the government workforce is that we will have to face a lot of employment cuts.

Yesterday, we had a meeting with our union; they were already getting us ready for the imminent cut coming up. We just don’t know when and how many, the axe is already up in the air how many heads would fall?   

To me, it is exciting news, if I get layoff, I would get a cash allowance (equivalent of 42 weeks of pay) that would mean not waiting 20 months to retire but just few more months to go.

But even if I am not offer a layoff, if someone else is offer and don’t want to go, I could change position with them and still get out sooner.

In this spirit, this morning, I talked with my chief, and let him know that I would volunteer to get my head cut off… this is a one time offer (just have one head after all). I let him know that they would be much better to keep the young worker than an older man in a decline caring curve!

My wife is also considering this, I brought home last night some information (numbers) for her to see… and I can tell she was really excited too…

So stay tune… I’ll post if we get some (for us good) news.


  1. On va suivre ca de pres aussi. Ce serais merveilleux, surtout si ca ne vs coupe pas votre pension!!! Continuez a vider les gardes robes....on ne sait jamais. En passant, on est tres bons pour les ventes de garages!!!

  2. En fin de semaine, on a décidé de travailler sur la maison une heure par jour... en se disant 2 heures de travail multiplié par 365 jours... se serait en masse de temps pour "downsizing". On va voir la suite des évènements!

    Si ça arrive, je pense que se serait à l'automne.

  3. Whoa, c'est excitant ça! Bonne... chance!

    - WWE

  4. wow ça te fait pas peur toi les coupures, moi après 12 ans de service je ne peux pas trop vouloir cela. En espérant que ma tête ne sera pas coupée.

    Anne B. (tu me reconnais ?)

    1. Oui Anne je te reconnais, je ne suis pas si Boucher que ça :)))

      Je le sais qu'il y a plusieurs personnes qui stresse avec les coupures. Mes intérêts sont totallement différentes car je suis très proche de la retraite. Mais je sympatise avec mes collègues (et mes ex-collègues)
