
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

My goodbye

This morning, I received this email from SparkPeople:

When I read it, my mind was thinking about Whitney Houston death. I was thinking about how some people have every thing: look, voice, money but they don't seem to appreciate any of this. They forget to "live". They escape in drugs to softer their pain.

I never used drugs, not even a little weed, that is illegal drug... there has been couple of codeine after a root canal that didn't turn out right.

I bet she never receive an email from Spark People to remind her that "life is not a dress rehearsal". At the time I’m writing this, all I know is that she was found dead by her body guard in a hotel room. Because of her past, I assumed it will be from a drug overdose.

I sure hope that when my time comes, I will be remember as someone that live fully not as someone that suffer through life.

Goodbye Whitney, may your soul be in peace now.

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