
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

It’s all about our kids

I think in the next following posts, I will described person that are around and that are a big part of our live.

I was not too lucky on that one… as you can see on the pictures above, I have two girls (I can imagine them giving me the eyes saying:  “not girls pawpaw women!”). I know all parents out there would know what I am talking about…

They are really difficult to live with.

One is a librarian in Moncton, New Brunswick; Let’s call her the serious one (also know as Julie)! She moved to Moncton in May of last year, right after finishing her Master Degree. So far, she has been to California (L.A.) to present a paper that she wrote, next month, she is going to Spain to present another paper… My gosh I think I will ask for a paternity test… the only paper I ever presented was to the unemployment office!  

My other daughter, the artist one, (also know as Caroline), she is a Web developper at the Ottawa University. She has 2 degrees from college. She is one determined young lady… she had a problem with weight, I hope she won’t sue me for sharing this, but, 2 years ago, she had the balance showing 264 pounds, now the balance register around 150 pounds… If I could only followed her example!

Both of them are making a salary that is really close to mine… upsetting is a small word; I have hundred years of experience for crying out loud!

I remembered when they were 16-17 years, I give them the “talk”! I told them that if at any time (night or day) they need a ride because their friends are incapacitated, I would go and picked them up. No question asked; just want to have them safely home…

How many times did this happen? In almost 10 years… NOT ONE time!
How many times did we bail them out of jail: Zero, nada, never
How many times did we had to attended school merit’s ceremony: Every freaking year
How many times did I cleaned after them after they got drunk and threw up all over: an other 0
How much money did they saved: A ton (I would not be surprise that they own the bank that has our mortgage)

What on earth did I do to deserve this… responsible kids, beautiful inside and out, not a problem to raise, how a father suppose to feel useful? Why can’t they go spend all weekend in bars, come back home in the morning, so I could spend quality time with them talking about all the wisdom I could splurge on them.

I am so disgusted, let me share a story that happen this Christmas… we were sitting in the living room, opening presents, my wife open one from those no good kids, in there was a CD with the instruction of playing it, we stopped everything and start to listen the CD. There was only one song, it was the music from Amazing race. Nice touch, my wife always want a CD from Amazing Race (see we are not ungrateful, it’s NOT us the problem). I opened my gift, hoping it is something that I can use… But NOOOO it was an enveloped mark “Road Block” Exactly looking like one you will find in A.R., I opened the enveloped inside not a check… it was a choice between 2 tasks… SAY WHAT I have to work now… One task was ‘Built it’ which was to do a puzzle to get another clue or chip it which the clue would be prisoner of ice and we would have to “chipped” to it. Wanting to keep the ice some needed drink by then, we decided to built it. The puzzle was a 40 pieces of really hard to assembled boat, and the clue was on the other side. We were really proud of achieving it so fast, but going to the next step, we had been u-turn by our beloved cat and Oscar2 (squeleton outside of a closet).

We had to go back to chip it… I don’t know how much I came to hurting myself on that, but not wanting to disappoint the kids, we did it and were told to go to the pit stop. We were the first team to arrive (that is what Phil said!) and has winner of this leg, we won a cruise to Alaska in the spring. The cruise and the planes were already booked. I think that at first, the girls were thinking about sending ME to 2 cruises (because I am the better parent ;) ) but they decided that I would be happier to go with someone else (I am not a good swimmer… if anything should happen!)

Now both of them are single, I don’t understand that, if you look beyond the hair that pop up from their cleavage, the tattoos of a skull on their forearm, the piercing in the eye balls, they are not bad looking… plus they have really great parents… so if you know of any single men out there that would like to suffered a bit, just have them send me a resume, I would processed all potential application with due  processes (but a bribe is always showing great potential).

We are starting a process of loving them less, the separation would be easier upon retirement. After all, we are going to be away for 6 months a year…

If you are smiling... the sun is shining!


  1. Clearly, your children are troublemakers! :)

  2. Yes Sky Waves, you are right!

    But they are the only one that we got so will keep them. We love them so much and are as proud as a peacock about them!

  3. ah... great to meet you! What a great family. I just wish my son had finished college... he only went two and a half years... broke m'heart...

    but, well... there ya go.

    Welcome to the blogging world! what fun

  4. Hi Carolyn thanks for the welcome.

    Just between you and I... you inspired me to start to blog. I have been reading blogs for the past 10 years, travelling blog that is. I don't know how nor when but this summer I fell on yours by accident. I fell in love with your honesty and your sense of humour.

    When I retire, I thought I would start a blog about travel experience but you make me realize that it didn't need to be, if only my wife and my kids would read my blog, I would still be happy about it.

    Right now I am posting mainly for taking experience and learning the tools availables.

    I know that for a parent seing our child taking another road that we would like them to take is heart braking, but, you know, we have to let them go... they will be hurt and we will also hurt... But man when they laugh, our heart rise with them.

  5. I am floored! and honored, Richard ;)

    And, yes that's why I started this public blog too. I have the private one but somehow that's like keeping a journal - which I have for years - and keeping it secret as in the old teenage diary days … HAhaaaa… oh, man… my Dad got mine and well… another reason I had such a lovely rebellious attitude.

    Anyway… yes. I decided if only I read it … it was okay because it was being put out in cyber space with the possibility that someone might read m'stuff and it fulfilled a need for a pal … I guess.

    To watch what I say and exercise my sense of humor helps me see my stuff in a different light … on my private one? I'm just always pissed… lol?

    I know… m'kid is my life. I spoiled him rotten. But as you probably read, I had him at 42 and well… that's that… I did it.

    His Father was/is the same way. We both doted on the boy … our bad

    So glad we're cyber pals and look forward to reading about your journey to retirement --- yay! ;)
