
This is not an express route. Where ever my mind travels to, the blog will ride shotgun.
This journey is mainly fuelled by humour!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Let me get a load off…

Sigh! It is time… I will be loosing 60 pounds before our retirement date (Nov 1st, 2013). This is 2.9 pounds per month. Boy that would be something on my almost perfect body ha ha. For sure my wife will need to get a new prescription for her glasses.

Maybe some readers from the US are wondering… “hey isn’t Canada using metric system”… Good observation eh! We do! Let me tell you that it was not the population who asked for the metric system.  It was a political decision, in the seventies, and we know that there are plants out there that have more reasoning than politicians. After about 40 years, I adopted Celsius degrees and distance in KM. But as far as centimetre... no idea… I still measure in foot and inches.  Same thing with the weight, I know what one pound of ground beef is, but don’t ask me to bring back 300 grams of it. For my weight, I know how many pounds I am… it is really light… for a Sumo wrestler! Ah maybe I should wait then. NOT!

In the next few days, I’ll work on a plan. Monday is the day that I’ll be starting to change my habits. I have a great example at home; my daughter lost more than 100 pounds… a real looser!J… I’ll try to talk her into coaching me… wouldn’t that be something! I must be getting old… taking good example from my kids… what is next? Changing my diapers! Don’t worry Caro, I’m just kidding… I can still change my own diaper, thank you very much!

Now this will be posted so that everyone can see… I won’t be able to take back what I said… Well I can always delete the post, but what about if someone, like a reporter, saw it… This is how it could go:

If you could take a deep voice to simulate the reporter (Bob) that would help with the following shit-uation:

“We are sorry to interrupt the current programming. This is a special news bulletin.”

“Hi this is Bob, we heard from reliable sources that Richard AKA Mother Blogger has started to change his life habits to loose 60 pounds.”

“We have Martha in the field… Martha could you describe what you see?”

“Thank you Bob, I am now right at the “Happy piglet farm” and there are a lot of excitement in the air… I’ll be brief… there are also some fume and my eyes are starting to run.”

“Martha what is all the commotion about?”

 “You will not believe this (Martha talking to the cameraman: -Mark can you aim the camera at them-) as you can see there are thousand of pigs on their knees, thanking the God of Pig for saving their bacon.”

“But Martha do pigs really have knees?”

“This is it Bob, until now …”

“Sorry Martha I have to cut you off, there is a press conference about to start on the stock market exchange…”

“John this is Bob can you hear me?”

 “Yes Bob I can hear you now. A spokesman for the stock market is about to address us… here he is…”

“Thank you, I am Mr Cash. I’d like to reassure the population that the economy will suffer but it should recuperate at some point. Since the news about Richard, there has been panic on the floor. Specifically Mcdonald, KFC, FriesAreUs, Duncan Donuts and many in the restaurant industry are showing a considerable drop in their stock price. We have stopped trading on those shares for now…”

“John you still there?”

“Sorry Bob, we have been cut off… I was just talking to one of the analyst and he was mentioning to me that those shares lost 12 points, he didn’t think that it will go further, he seems to think that it is about the same as what the Mother Blogger will loose around the waist.”

“Thanks John, we have to go to Elaine.”

“Elaine you just interviewed Mo B… what was his comment”

“Yes Bob, I caught up with him at the grocery store, he was in the chips aisle walking fast so that the movement of the cart kept him from stopping. When asked for a comment he replied:”

“Shut up!!!!”

Now back to your regular programming.”

If you are smiling… it is a good exercise!J


  1. Go Richard Go! Go Richard Go!
    I've been thinking of doing the same. My immediate goal is to be in better shape for the cruise so we can explore everything there is to see. Than continue on for the rest of my life. So what do you say Caro? Can you coach 2 parents?

    1. Darn! did I pushed the "Publish" button already... now the whole world can see! I guess there is no turning back now snif snif

      Thanks Cricket happy to see you are on board (pun not intended :) )

    2. I certainly can coach ya'll! :) I'm glad you two are moving towards healthier habits! I'm behind you 100%!

      - Caro

  2. Can I be long-distance assistant coach? I have SO much wisdom to contribute and love to annoy people with unsolicited advice:

    - Ignore any advice you don't like including my own advice. You guys will figure out what works best for you.

    - Food is a much bigger factor in weight loss than exercise, but exercise keeps you in shape and eventually makes you feel awesome.

    - Decide right away what is going to happen with junk food. Do you need to cut it entirely out of your life? Give yourself a monthly allowance? Only consume it on a few predetermined special occasions?

    - Food brought in by coworkers, yay or nay?

    - Calorie counting? It worked awesomely for my beloved sister, but maybe a weight watcher style point system might be better for you, or just trying to eat well and seeing what happens (which didn't work for beloved sister).

    - Remember that your weight will vary a lot in a day, and in a month. At first, you might want to reward yourself when maintaining your chosen program for good lengths of time, instead of because of that number changing.

    - Give yourself rewards for doing a good job.

    - Remember that the numbers might change very quickly in the beginning, and be slower later on in your weight loss journey. Look at it in terms of percentages of body weight instead of total number of pounds.

    - Caro is gonna be an awesome coach, she terrifies me like a pro when I have to tell her I haven't exercised in the weekly email she sends to check (at my request).

    - There is no failure, only temporary setbacks. Just keep working at it.

    - Give free room and board whenever your long-distance coach comes for a visit.

    1. Thanks long-distance coach for those usefull informations. It will go into the plan.

      Maybe when you come... you should bring you own food... unless you don't mind eating 'carots à la king' hahaha

    2. Together, we will be the coaching duo of SUCCESS!!!

      - Caro

    3. Okay, I will make sure to bring food and I will even share.

      Today, I bought myself 16 cents worth of assorted nuts, so you can see that I really know how to treat myself. It was 7 cents last time, but I told myself that I deserved more... and so I bought much more!

      If I buy enough for everyone, that will be 64 cents total. I might ask each of you to contribute 10 cents, after all food will have come for you by plane, crossing a provincial border and a timezone, so I think that a reasonable contribution on your part for my trouble would make everything fair.

  3. Partageriez vous des recettes avec moi? Je veux perdre 10 lbs, pas plus car j'ai vu les ravages sur des amies qui ont perdues 25 lbs apres 60 ans. Elles ont vieillies de 10 ans!!!Vous etes juste dans le bon temps pour n'en retirer que des avantages. En plus, avec un coach a domicile...vous avez tout ce qu'il faut pour reussir.

  4. On se considère très chanceux d'avoir notre coach personnel à la maison... mais ça complique les choses pour les fois ou on va vouloir prendre une tit-coupe de vin. Mais je pense qu'elle ne va pas dans la cave souvent... donc, on va passer plus de temps là hahaha
    On veut changer nos mauvaises habitues alimentaires, je ne pense pas qu'on va commencer à faire des nouvelles recettes. Caroline a perdu son poids en controlant la quantité de se quelle mange. Elle mange pas mal tous ce qu'on a toujours fait... mais elle mesure les quantités et elle sait toujours ce qu'elle peut se permettre dans une journée.
    C'est certain que tous trucs qu'on va apprendre, on va les partagé.
    Pas besoin de commencer à réchauffer le motorisé pour revenir... y fait frette en titi... vous êtes bien mieux ou vous êtes :)
